Thursday, 19 April 2012

How to arrange desktop icons


Is a program that helps you organize your desktop and can hide your icons when they are not in use.
your desktop by creating shaded areas which become movable and sizable containers for your icons. Double click blank spaces on your desktop and all your fences will fade out, and back.
"It wasn't five minutes after installing Fences that I realized I'd be using it for the rest of my computing life. It's that good." - PC World

watch it in action
Create an unlimited number of Fence areas on your desktop
Quickly hide/show your desktop icons with a double click
Patent Pending
Customize the color and opacity of your fences
Low profile, low system impact: Integrates tightly and cleanly with OS

Fences explained by screenshots

Organize your desktop icons by creating fences and moving your icons into them.

Double Click on the desktop and it will hide your desktop icons, double click again and they come back.

If you put your mouse over a particular fence (like Temp Junk) you can see all the other things in that fence that were hidden.

* Make Your Desktop a Portal to Your Files
- Expose folders containing documents or pictures onto your desktop in fenced areas making them easy to access.
* Multiple Desktop Pages
- You can now have multiple pages of fences on your desktop. To flip a page, just take your mouse cursor to the edge of your screen and click and drag a new page of fences onto your desktop.
* Rope off Your Desktop
- Create shaded areas call fences on your desktop in which you can place and organize icons.
* Keep Your Desktop Clean
- Double-click blank space on your desktop and all of your icons will fade out. Double-click again and they will return.
* Automatically Arrange Your Desktop
- Define rules for where your icons are placed and how they are arranged. When a new icon gets added, from an installer for instance, it will be automatically added to your preferred fence.
# NEW * Make Your Desktop a Portal to Your Files - Expose folders containing documents or pictures onto your desktop in fenced areas making them easy to access. * Multiple Desktop Pages - You can now have multiple pages of fences on your desktop. To flip a page, just take your mouse cursor to the edge of your screen and click and drag a new page of fences onto your desktop. # FEATURES * Rope off Your Desktop - Create shaded areas call fences on your desktop in which you can place and organize icons. * Keep Your Desktop Clean - Double-click blank space on your desktop and all of your icons will fade out. Double-click again and they will return. * Automatically Arrange Your Desktop - Define rules for where your icons are placed and how they are arranged. When a new icon gets added, from an installer for instance, it will be automatically added to your preferred fence.


Tuesday, 17 April 2012


switcher on my desktop

ViewAll your windows. Three ways to see them: dock, grid, andtile
FreeZero cost.
Lots of fun.

PersonalizeWhat's your favorite color? Switcher likes it too.

MultimonEnjoy with all your monitors. 

SearchQuickly find your application. Just start typing. 

ShortcutsWork faster. Customize the keyboard and mouse shortcuts to fit you. 

Download Switcher 2.0.0
Released 2007-10-28. Requires Windows Vista + Aero.
What's changed? | Non-installer download

Switcher puts you in control of your windows. See all your windows on one screen, quickly search through them, even decorate them with your favorite colors and fonts. Let's get started!

Installing and running Switcher

  1. Switcher requires Windows Vista and Aero. Click here to determine if you have Aero.
  2. Go to the Switcher home page.
  3. Click the Download Switcher link.
  4. When asked to run Run or Save, click Run.
    Running the Switcher installer
  5. Follow the installation instructions.
  6. When you're done, run Switcher from the Start menu.
    Starting Switcher
    After running Switcher for the first time, it will automatically start when you log on.

Switching between windows

  1. Once Switcher is running, make sure you have 2 or more windows open.
  2. Press Windows+~ to begin switching between windows.
    The ~ key is next to the Esc key. If you're using a non-US keyboard layout or find the ~ key difficult to press, see the Shortcuts section for information on changing this shortcut.
    You can also configure hot corners to switch between windows. See the Shortcuts section for more information.
  3. Use the arrow keys, Windows+~Windows+Shift+~, or the mouse to navigate between the windows.
  4. Press Page Up and Page Down to switch between views. There are three available views:
    • Dock view Dock view places all windows except the active one to the side.
    • Grid view Grid view arranges the windows into a grid.
    • Tile view Tile view shrinks the windows until you can see all of them.
  5. Activate a window by clicking it, pressing Enter, or pressing the number that appears on the window.


Got a billion windows open? Here's how to find the window you need:
  1. Begin switching between windows.
  2. Start typing the text of the window you're trying to find. A search box will automatically appear, and the windows will move and hide themselves until only the ones matching your text appear.
    For example, if the window is titled Vacation Photographs, you can type either vacation or photo to find it.
    Search box


Switcher has many settings you can change to fit your needs.
  1. After running Switcher it'll place an icon in the taskbar:
    Switcher taskbar icon
  2. Double-click the icon to display Switcher settings.
    Switcher settings


My favorite color is blue. Others like brown or orange. Instead of trying to be all those colors, Switcher lets you choose.
  1. Open Switcher settings.
  2. Click the Window Style section.
  3. Adjust fonts, colors, sizes, and positions however you like. A preview is displayed on the side.
    Window style settings
  4. Remember to also change the appearance of selected windows using the Window state combo box at the top.


You can change all the keyboard and mouse shortcuts to what works best for you.
  1. Open Switcher settings.
  2. Click the Shortcuts section.
  3. Here you can directly change the keyboard and mouse shortcuts that begin Switcher.
    Shortcut settings
  4. To change other shortcuts, click Edit Shortcuts. The Switcher Shortcuts window will appear with a list of commands. Each command may be associated with several shortcuts.
    Shortcut settings
  5. Switcher supports three types of shortcuts: keyboard shorcuts, mouse shortcuts over the screen, and mouse shortcuts over windows. These are described in further detail below.

Keyboard shortcuts

These shorcuts are activated by pressing keys on your keyboard, for example Windows+~Ctrl+F, or even the arrow keys.
Keyboard shortcuts have the following options:
  • Global shortcut: When checked, indicates that the shortcut works when Switcher is not active.
  • Activate when shortcut is: Indicates when the associated command is triggered.
    • Pressed: The command is triggered when the key is pressed down.
    • Released: The command is triggered when the key is let go.
  • End session when shortcut is released: When checked, Switcher will end the session and select the active window when the keys are let go.

Mouse over screen shortcuts

These shorcuts are activated for mouse activity on the screen.
Mouse over screen shortcuts have the following options:
  • Activate when: Indicates the mouse activity that activates the shortcut.
    • Button is pressed: A mouse button is pressed down.
    • Button is released: A mouse button is let go.
    • Mouse has moved: The mouse cursor has moved across the screen.
    • Wheel has moved down: The mouse wheel has moved down.
    • Wheel has moved up: The mouse wheel has moved up.
  • Activate on: Restricts the shortcut to a certain monitor if you have multiple monitors.
  • Global shortcut: When checked, indicates that the shortcut works when Switcher is not active.
  • Screen corners and edges: Restricts the shortcut to certain corners and edges of the screen.
  • Mouse buttons: The mouse buttons that activate the shortcut. If multiple buttons are selected, any of the buttons will activate the shortcut.
  • Keyboard modifiers: The keyboard buttons that all must be pressed to activate the shortcut.

Mouse over window shortcuts

These shortcuts are activated when the mouse touches a window or the background during a session.
Mouse over window shortcuts have the following options:
  • Activate when: Same as mouse over screen shortcuts.
  • Activate when mouse is over:
    • Window: The shortcut activates when the mouse is over a window.
    • Background: The shortcut activates when the mouse is over the background, and not a window.
  • Mouse buttons: Same as mouse over screen shortcuts.
  • Keyboard modifiers: Same as mouse over screen shortcuts.

info curtsy  Bao Nguyen

Monday, 16 April 2012

Stacks on windows 7

7stacks is an easy to use, free app that lets Windows 7 (and Vista and XP) users have “stacks” of icons in their Taskbar (in 7) or QuickLaunch Toolbar (in Vista and XP). By using stacks, users canreduce icon clutter, and combine a group of related icons into a single icon. For instance, if you use application suites such as Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, or Adobe CS4, you can have all the suite’s icons combined into one icon!
You can also use it to browse and access documents within a folder very quickly. Usually, when you want to edit a series of frequently used documents, you’d have to either launch the app, and go to File|Open, or open the (My) Computer icon and go into your (My) Documents folder and pick the file you want. With 7stacks, just create a stack to that document’s folder, and open that document in a couple of clicks.
7stacks was created because of my own frustrations with Windows 7, as great an OS as Win7 is. Because Windows 7′s new taskbar, called the SuperBar is very similar to the Mac OS X Dock, many comparisons are going to be made. But Windows 7 seemed to have one glaring omission of OSX: stacks. Now, with 7stacks, you get almost the same functionality as the OS X stacks, but with a more “Windows 7″ appearance.
7stacks is incredibly easy to use, and has a variety of looks and features, allowing anyone to customize the look of their stack however they’d like. And using Windows 7, its easy to create new stacks by right-clicking on any stack, and selecting “Create New Stack” in the JumpList. 7stacks will place an shortcut icon on your desktop to this new stack, which you can then pin to your Windows 7 taskbar, or Vista or XP QuickLaunch bar.
7stacks even solves the problem other similar apps have had: forcing users to “hack” the executables and shortcuts to allow multiple stacks on the Windows 7 taskbar. 7stacks solves this by using 10 identical executables (numbered 0-9) and assigning the shortcuts slots based on which ones are used. The end result is that you can just pin up to 10 stacks on the taskbar, with no need to even think about hacking or reconfiguring or adjusting .. it just works!
Check out these features:
  • In 7 and Vista, 7stacks uses Aero, making the stacks look like part of Windows itself.
  • Browse subfolders within a stack, just like in OS X Snow Leopard.
  • 3 different styles of stacks: Normal, Grid, and Menu
    • Normal displays a stack of icons vertically, with a text description next to it.
    • Grid displays a “squarish” grid of icons only; useful when displaying a large number of items like document folders.
    • Menu displays a cascading menu of items, with a very small icon and a name next to it. Hover over subfolders to browse inside those folders.
  • In Windows 7, create a new stack by right-clicking on any stack and selecting “Create New Stack” from the JumpList entry.
  • In Menu mode, 7stacks doesn’t even need to be in a toolbar. You can use it right from your desktop, or any other folder.
  • Pin up to 10 different stacks on the Windows 7 taskbar   
stacks on my desktop
stacks on my desktop

browse folder and create desktop shortcut

Friday, 13 April 2012

How to fix shortcuts opening with adobe reader or another programs

You might encounter this problem, "Desktop and start-menu shortcuts opens with adobe reader or another software" .let me make it clear,  when  you double click on Google chrome's shortcut on desktop ,adobe reader opens up instead of chrome.
it happens when you changed the file association(open with).
'.lnk' files are shortcuts extension it tells the computer ,where to go when you click on an .lnk shortcut. you might think you can fix it  with the file association from DEFAULT PROGRAMS,but wont work with .lnk files because it is not opened with any to fix this error you need to Download this ,extract it and doubleclick it

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Disable User Account Control (UAC)

 Disable UAC

"UAC stands For User Account Controls it is a security System introduced with Microsoft's Windows Vista. It aims to improve the security of Microsoft Windows by limiting application software to standard user privileges until an administrator authorizes an increase or elevation. In this way, only applications trusted by the user may receive administrative privileges, and malware should be kept from compromising the operating system. In other words, a user account may have administrator privileges assigned to it, but applications that the user runs do not inherit those privileges unless they are approved beforehand or the user explicitly authorizes it"
Whatever Wikipedia says i found No Fun in UAC :/
If you have a single user System you don't have to turn it on,coz you are the only one using it so it will be annoying When you have to give permissions .

Disable  UAC in Windows 8

Step 1 :Login As Administrator and  Type UAC in start screen ,then Under the settings Section you can see the Item 'Change the user account control settings' click on it to open

Step:2 Now you can see a window with a slide button to change the setting
There are 4 levels ,2 recommended setting and 2 Not recommended options 

  •  Level 1:Always Notify 
If you choose this level  UAC will pop up when you Installing A new App or change windows setting(recommended for Multi user systems)

  • Level 2:Default level of UAC(turned on by default)

Level 3: It is the level Where You try to install the UAC will pop up but Stay silent when ypu change windows settings

Level 4:This is the level where UAC completely  disables .it won't pop   when you change or install new software 

Windows 7 & Vista

Open Control panel select User Accounts Click On Change User Account Controls Settings
the second step is same as windows 8

Shortcut and Hotkey Tips for Windows PC (from how to geek)

For those of you who like to use the quickest methods of getting things done on your computer, we have shown you many Windows shortcuts and hotkeys for performing useful tasks in the past.

for more info go to

information curtsy  

How to find and delete cloned or duplicated files

How to find and delete cloned or duplicated  files
cloned files ,especially those with large size,may waste your valuable disk space.It  is very hard to find this files manually. cloned filescanner helps you to find clones in few clicks 
Iobit cloned filessanner is a built in tool of Iobit Advanced systemcare ,so you need to download  Iobit Advanced systemcare

cloned file scanner wizard
duplicated  list

Saturday, 7 April 2012

How to complete uninstall programs

When you use Windows installer  to remove programs like games ,some junk files remains in your computer  it is often hard to find and remove it so the solution is Iobit Uninstaller

 Iobit Uninstaller is a built in tool of advanced systemcare ,so you need to download it
Download advanced systemcare  and key
iobit uninstaller found safari browsers  leftover files

How to find and delete empty folders

Iobit empty folder scaner is utility to find and delete empty folders without any risk(means system and security programs will not be deleted)

Empty folder scaner is a built in tool of Iobit Advance system care,so you need to download advanceesystem care. 
Empty folder scanning wizard