Saturday, 15 December 2012

Adding Hibernate to Windows 8

Adding Hibernate to Windows 8

windows 8 is more like a tablet Operating system running on PC ,what ever i like it.Whole new changes ,well that is The problem on the otherhand ,most of the Options are hidden from view and  different from windows 7 and Xp.In my case i use the hibernate option more often but it is not there by default,it doesnt mean it is gone for ever just hidden and it can be brought back in sipmle steps .we need to add that option by ourself. To do this follow this steps

Step 1:Go to start screen and type power options  and open it

 while searching for poweroption (you can see the option change what power button does click it so you can skip the 2nd step

Step 2:In power options click the Choose what power button does

Choose what power button does option is on the left side of screen

 Step 3: From there you can see the Hibernate option is turned change this click on change settings that are currently unavailable

login as administrator  to change the settings

Step 4: After that you can check the options you want and  click save changes

Tick the box hibernate to enable hibernation

Hibernate Option in powerbutton

Shutdown Windows 8 in single click

Shutdown windows 8 in single click

Microsoft made windows 8 more like a tablet OS,most of the options are hard to find when compare to the earlier of them is shutting down the pc,it was  very easy with start menu and couple of clicks.Now they removed start menu and introduced start screen.I wonder why the didnt incude a shortcut  to shutdown in the start screen ,it would be more convenient .The correct way is to shutdown is using the charms menu(win+i) >power>shutdown
but its not that fast like in the old days and confusing to new users.the old school ALT+F4 still functional but i prefer this simple way and can shutdown pc with single click from star screen    

      Step 1:Right click on desktop >new>shortcut

       Step 2: type  shutdown /s /t 0 
       (more clearly shutdown(space)/s(space)/t(space)zero)

     Step 4: Click Next continue .Rename the shutdown.exe if you want  click finish

You can see the shortcut on desktop .If you want to change icon right click on it  >properties>change icon andbrowse the .Ico file

The highlighted one is the default icon of shutdown shortcut
 Now to add it to the start screen right click on shortcut >Pin to start

shutdown Shortcut pinned to start

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Windows 8 The Easy Ways

Windows 8 Easy ways

Finally i got my windows 8 up and running in my Toshiba laptop after some bad days and blue screens.The first thing i noticed is THERE IS NO F8 to access safe mode .At first i thought it was my bad timing on key press,but then i realized , Microsoft removed that feature to speed up the boot .What ever it really paid off .My windows 7 was staring time was  2 minutes,when it came to windows 8 it is amazingly 22 seconds  .


ill skip to the content, Windows 8 is fast and awesome both in performance and look,but it take some time to sync to the new os .let's start with Safemode
 Traditionally we access safemode by pressing F8 key before pc its changed .i read it will work with shift+F8  but not happened in my toshiba satellite pc, another Microsoft preferred way is using the Advanced startup option .I tried it but my keyboard stop working when it says to press corresponding number.Another way to use command prompt but it was complicated 
finaly  i figured a simple and effective way (that's what i think) 

let me show you:

step1 :Go to RUN(win+R) this will bring up the RUN window

step2 :type msconfig  and click ok then you can see the system configuration window.

step3:From system configuration click on BOOT tab,check the safe boot option with additional feature You want (minimal,networking etc).

step5:Click Restart your pc

after that don't forget to disable the safeboot option by simply unchecking it to prevent pc restaring in safemode again.


The next part was the instant messaging service app.It is a good and much needed app ,but the problem was it change my status to ONLINE in all my linked accounts as soon as i connect to internet . Actually Microsoft meant that to stay in touch with friends.but everyone is not like that .for me i am getting messages if i am not in the mood to chat .So i turned it off .if this is your problem 
let me show you:

step 1:Open the "Messaging App" from start screen

step 2:Press "win+i" to access settings

step 3:Tap  "Options" to see options for messaging appstep 4:Set send/receive message to OFF

Change this to ON when you are ready to chat again


Another funny thing was HOW TO CLOSE OPENED APPS!!! ya that's true .I saw people using even Task manager to  close the opened apps.The correct way is
MOVE the mouse pointer all the way to TOP till it turns to the  HAND symbol,CLICK and HOLD it and MOVE it to the very BOTTOM of the screen .that's how to close an opened app


By default there is no MY COMPUTER  shortcut in  the desktop so we have to add it manually

let me show you:

step 1: RIGHT CLICK on desktop and select personalization

step 2:Select  Change Desktop icons 

step 3:Chose the shortcuts You want by checking it 

step 4:Click ok

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Windows 8 Changing the Drive letters

Changing Drive Letters In Windows 8

After i installed windows 8 , i noticed my DVD drive letter changed to "D" from "G" .I think it Happened  because,i installed windows 8 with USB DVD tool .What ever ,it caused some of my preinstalled programs to malfunction .If it happened to you too let me show how to restore your Drive letters to order.

It hasn't changed from older versions of windows ,its as the same as in windows 7

Step1:Close all running applications,Rightclick on my computer icon from desktop and select Manage( You need to login as administrator)

Step2:Now you can see the computer management window,double click on Storage to open it and double click on Disk management.

Step3:From Disk management window you can see the hard drives and removable storages that attached to your computer

Step4: Right click on the Hard drive you want to change the letter and select Change drive letter and paths

Step5: You can see a small window showing the current Drive letter of the Hard drive click Change .Assign the letter you want and apply the settings 

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Malware removing tools

  • Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is a surprisingly effective anti-malware tool given that it hasn't received any major updates in the past few years. Sure, the scans are a bit faster and the installation is definitely smoother, but overall the product remains unaltered.The Malwarebytes Free edition offers users the option of installing a trial version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Pro.

CNET  review on Malwarebytes
The bottom line: A lack of recent substantive updates haven't prevented Malwarebytes Anti-Malware from staying on top of the on-demand malware-killing mountain.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is a surprisingly effective anti-malware tool given that it hasn't received any major updates in the past few years. Sure, the scans are a bit faster and the installation is definitely smoother, but overall the product remains unaltered.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, or MBAM as it's often abbreviated, has a rapid installation process that simultaneously loads the program onto your computer and updates its detection engine when you run the installer. The whole process took under 5 minutes on our computer.

MBAM is no paragon of design aesthetics, but it is usable. It opens directly to its Scanner tab, and offers eight other tabs in a horizontal row. Few options per tab keep down the clutter.

What it lacks in visual pop it makes up for in utility. The rest of the tabs let you access the updater, quarantine, scan logs, the ignore list, program settings, and the FileAssassin tool for deleting locked files. The About tab tells you relevant program information, such as version number, while the Protection tab provides access to the real-time protection features. If you're in the freeware version, Protection provides a near-instantaneous, one-click path to upgrade to the trial.

However useful MBAM is, the text-heavy interface clearly identifies it as a tool for power users, although there are more complicated malware removal tools out there. Considering that the program's major function is to scan, and that's generally a one-click process, we'd like to see a more accessible interface in the future.

Features and support
Malwarebytes' primary feature is to scan your computer for the bad guys, and on that level it's quite successful. It offers a quick scan, a full scan, and a flash scan to analyze memory and autorun objects. It comes with Malwarebytes' proprietary Chameleon technology, which lets the program install on many infected computers even when the malware blocks other detection tools.

MBAM supports multiple drive scanning including networked drives, context menu options including a scan-on-demand function for individual files, and the FileAssassin option under the More Tools section for removing locked files.

In the premium version, the Protection controls block zero-day infections from malicious sites and files, along with the scheduler. We'd prefer one or the other be available in the free version, since many full security suites offer both in their paid versions.

MBAM has built its reputation as one of the pre-eminent malware removers over the years on a nearly entirely word-of-mouth campaign. Extra features are lacking, historically. This is only marginally more than a one-function wonder, but it's so good at what it does that it's practically required for you to have it.

Malwarebytes is a relatively speedy malware remover, with the quick scan taking about 7 minutes and 30 seconds to finish even with other high-resource programs running. The heuristics engine proved on multiple computers during empirical testing that it was capable of determining the difference between false positives and dangerous apps.

Surprisingly, the premium Protection component didn't slow down startup times, even when it's configured to start with Windows.

Overall, though, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is a responsive malware remover that does what it says it will, and with a minimum of fuss. The cost of the premium upgrade is a bit steep given what the free version can do, but it's a fair price if you feel more comfortable paying for your computer security.Malwarebytes - Eliminate malware - Download Video Previews:

Download Now
Publisher's Description

From Malwarebytes:

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware combines powerful new technologies designed to seek out, destroy, and prevent malware infections.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is an easy-to-use anti-malware application available in both a Free and PRO version. The Free version is well-known for its detection and removal capabilities, and the PRO version uses advanced protection technologies to proactively stop malware infections. Additionally, Malwarebytes offers a host of extra utilities as well as an approachable forum community to help you combat any piece of malware that exists in the wild.

What's new in this version: Version 1.65 includes:

New Features:1. Implemented comprehensive API's for controlling settings and configuration for Business customers
2. Added ability to import/export settings for Business Customers
3. "Exit" option now removed from the tray when 'limitedusermode' is enabled for Business customers
4. Future versions will be able to upgrade without requiring a reboot after installation
5. Protection module now controllable for the entire mac... See all new features

Quick Specs
File size:10.18MB
Date added:October 17, 2012
Price:Free; paid upgrade available; $24.95 to buy (Buy it now)
Operating system:Windows XP/2003/Vista/Server

  • Ad-Aware Free Antivirus +
The bottom line: The new owners of Lavasoft have revamped Ad-Aware to the point where it has almost nothing in common with its predecessors besides function.It's a good reboot, but it's not out of the woods yet.

While the name Ad-Aware remains the same as it has for the past 13 years, everything from the user interface to the code powering Ad-Aware 10 is entirely new.Ad-Aware gets a face-lift
More so than any recent version of Ad-Aware, the suite is usable, lightweight, and worthy of your attention.

The installation is straightforward, although it still does opt you in by default to the Ad-Aware browser toolbar for Internet Explorer and Firefox. A software installation ought to get your program installed as quickly as possible, with as little requirement for input from the person installing it. Ad-Aware's installation was zippy and generally painless.

Unlike nearly all of its competitors, it does not require you to register to use the free version or the trials of the paid upgrades. What it does do similarly to its competitors on install is good, though: it automatically downloads new virus definition files and runs a quick scan. A reboot is unfortunately required; that's an occupational hazard for security suites like this one that have deep hooks into the Windows OS.

The new Home landing screen for Ad-Aware 10. It doesn't look much like the old one.(Credit: Screenshot by Seth Rosenblatt/CNET)

A big reason that the new Ad-Aware stands a good chance of surviving is because it's finally a usable product again. Gone is the tripartite vertical sectioning, replaced instead with a more traditional layout. Not unlike the major interface change that Avast introduced for its fifth version, the interface's quirkiness has been replaced by usability. The interface is divided into three horizontal sections: the top contains navigation to Home, Info, and Options; the second shows you a large, protection status icon with links to dive deeper into recent protection on the right; and the majority of the interface offers additional protection tools such as gaming mode, firewall, and safe browsing.

The interface is multithreaded, which means that using text "breadcrumbs" you can easily find your way back through the interface the way you came, or directly to the Home screen.

Even though tools are categorized into Basic and Advanced, they all have buttons on the main screen for quick toggling. More advanced configuration options are still available, but as with most of the competition, they've been buried one level down to avoid confusing beginners and to keep visual clutter to a minimum. Click the name of any feature and a pop-up provides a brief explanation of what it does. Click the gear icon next to it to dive into config options.

Features and support
Ad-Aware's features have been improved as well. It offers the same level of core protection against malware across the board, in free and paid products. Nag screens have been removed, a silent/gaming mode has been added, and Ad-Aware now gives advanced heuristics and rootkit protection to people using the free version.

The old Ad-Aware 9.5.(Credit: Screenshot by Seth Rosenblatt/CNET)

Ad-Aware's antivirus engine is powered by Vipre, a well-known security suite that's more popular in Europe than North America. Vipre has never set the security world on fire for its results, but it is a good, solid, middle-of-the-road engine that will detect many, and in some cases most, of the threats you'll face on a regular basis.

The toolbar's been streamlined, stripped of most extraneous features, and offers a search engine powered by upstart Google competitor Blekko. It also detects bad URLs and blocks you from loading them, so it has a legitimate security purpose.

Assouline also said that people can expect to see new features land in Ad-Aware regularly, as the program has adopted an aggressive release cycle not unlike Chrome and Firefox. He cautioned, though, that it was not the six-week cycle that those browsers have.

The differences between the paid versions and the free versions have shrunk, as more features have been front-loaded into the free version. Ad-Aware Personal Security 10 adds reputation and anti-malware filtering for $12 per year. Ad-Aware Pro Security offers e-mail phishing protection, USB guards, a two-way firewall, and network protection at $36 per year. If you don't care about the lack of spam filters or parental controls, or the lack of reputation-based protection, and you trust Ad-Aware -- always a key point -- $36 could be quite a deal. Considering what's offered, it's very nearly priced to disrupt the market.

One interesting problem we encountered was the program updates were pushed out in separate installation files. Unlike most competitors, which offer in-place downloads so that the suite updates without having to run an installer, an offered software update opened a Web site and asked for approval to start downloading.

The new Ad-Aware completed its Quick Scan noticeably faster than its predecessor.(Credit: Screenshot by Seth Rosenblatt/CNET)

It's an extra step that's unusual because it leaves the installation of the new security suite version up to the individual, and that could potentially create security risks.

3 When it comes to threat scanning, our tests on a real-world computer found that the Ad-Aware Pro Security 10 averaged 4 minutes, 23 seconds over three clean installs for its first scan, a competitive score.
The new Ad-Aware is off to a good start when it comes to performance. The suite's impact on system performance was slightly better than average.
Ad-Aware's lowish impact on computer boot time and shut down time, and average impact on in-use tests, were marred by exceptionally slow scan tests. Nevertheless, these scores were better than we were expecting for a completely new security suite.

The new Ad-Aware is an enormous turn for this longtime player in the Windows security field. Lavasoft's plans to update the suite more regularly than its competition bodes well for keeping people safe independent of traditional annual update schedules. If you trust the Lavasoft and Ad-Aware names, Ad-Aware 10 is worth a close look. However, it's got some important gaps that must be filled, and until we can see the impact of the Ad-Aware engine with the Vipre engine, it will be challenging to honestly evaluate the suite.

If Ad-Aware's reboot takes the way that Webroot's has, then we could be watching the rebirth of yet another aggressive competitor in the field, and at the end of the day that bodes best for your computer security.Ad-Aware Anniversary Edition:

Publisher's Description

From Lavasoft:

Ad-Aware Free Antivirus + provides core protection against Internet threats. Featuring real-time anti-malware protection, advanced Genocode detection technology, rootkit protection, a scheduler, the product gives you the power to protect yourself online. Ad-Aware Free Antivirus + is a complete malware protection that now combines Lavasoft's pioneer technology for anti-spyware with traditional anti-virus protection.

What's new in this version:

Bug fixes
Better multi-language support
Improved browsing protection
Simplified installation process
Revamped activation flow
Faster automatic definition updates
Updated notification screens

Download now

Quick Specs
File size:5.22MB
Date added:September 25, 2012
Price:Free; paid upgrade available
Operating system:Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7

  • Spybot - Search & Destroy
Spybot Search & Destroy is a free antispyware utility that targets adware, malicious code, and other threats. It also cleans security tracks, shreds files, and tweaks the Registry. The optional TeaTimer feature protects the Registry from real-time attacks. Spybot isn't a replacement for a full antivirus program, though it does detect and remove some threats. It's a constantly updated, on-demand adware and malware scanner you can run regularly to sweep your system. Spybot S&D is free for personal use.

Spybot's Setup screen let us choose which components to install, including skins, languages, and integration with Security Center. A pop-up message warned against removing ad robots lest their associated apps stop working, but we were more interested in what the average user experiences when running Spybot, so we just left things as they were downloaded.

Before it scans your system, Spybot asks to back up your registry -- let it. It only takes a minute or two. Even though the risk is low, Spybot has the power to delete what you let it delete, and a backup can save your bacon if something goes wrong. When we finished the setup process, Spybot asked if we wanted to read the tutorial or the help manual or start using the program. We opted for the extensive manual, which covers everything from basic options to settings for visually impaired users. Spybot's been around since the days of Windows 95, with many updates, so users have abundant resources: tutorials, FAQs, how-tos, forums, and so on.

It sounds like a long path to running Spybot, but in fact it's a quick and easy process. The main tool, Search & Destroy, has three buttons: Check for Problems, Recovery, and Updates (Spybot's menu also offers Recovery and Immunize features). The program offered a Hint of the Day while it scanned, though our initial scan took a lot longer than the tool tip took to read. Spybot found adware burrowed into our test PC. We had to run Spybot again as an Administrator and reboot to clean it all. But that's thorough cleaning and fine with us. Security-minded users should definitely try Spybot Search & Destroy.Spybot - Search & Destroy:

Publisher's Description

From Safer-Networking:

Spybot - Search & Destroy can detect and remove a multitude of adware files and modules from your computer. Spybot also can clean program and Web-usage tracks from your system, which is especially useful if you share your computer. Modules chosen for removal can be sent directly to the included file shredder, ensuring complete elimination from your system. For advanced users, it allows you to fix Registry inconsistencies related to adware and to malicious program installations. The handy online-update feature ensures that Spybot always has the most current and complete listings of adware, dialers, and other uninvited system residents.
What's new in this version: Version 1.6.2 features support for the latest Opera releases, support for Google Chrome, and improved support for fast user switching while Spybot is running.

Quick Specs
File size:15.65MB
Date added:January 26, 2009

Multimedia players

Media player is a term typically used to describe computer software for playing back multimedia files. While many media players can play both audioand video, others focus only on one media type or the other. Such players are known as either audio players or video players and often have a user interface tailored for the specific media type.
Popular Media players

VLC media player (also known as VLC) is a highly portable free and open-source media player and streaming media server written by the VideoLAN project. It is a cross-platform media player, with versions for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, BeOS, MorphOS, BSD,Solaris, iOS, and eComStation.

VLC media player supports many audio and video compression methods and file formats, including DVD-video, video CD and streamingprotocols. It is able to stream over computer network and to transcode multimedia files.

VLC used to stand for VideoLAN Client, but since VLC is no longer simply a client, that initialism no longer applies.

The default distribution of VLC includes a large number of free decoding and encoding libraries, avoiding the need for finding/calibrating proprietary plugins. Many of VLC's codecs are provided by the libavcodec library from the FFmpeg project, but it uses mainly its ownmuxer and demuxers and its own protocols. It also gained distinction as the first player to support playback of encrypted DVDs on Linux and Mac OS X by using the libdvdcss DVD decryption library.

I love to play my media file with VLC as this is free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVD, Audio CD, VCD, and various streaming protocols.

This freeware application gives you many reasons to make it your default player.  It has a modern design and this program can convert files among some a number of formats, as well as read and edit MP3 tags.
Built-in Cross-fader, Reverb, and Wide-sound modes features provide a nice touch not found in most players.
Speedy start, good sound quality and the floating bar-mode is nice idea.

It plays many more file formats than Windows Media Player. You can also download videos from the Internet to your PC with just one-click. If needed you can also convert videos to MP3.

It play tracks more smoothly, which makes it my player of choice. I also prefer the tree-style navigation panel on the left.

Media Player Classic is a small size, low memory media player. A lot of features make this the media player of choice, but you must add the proper codecs to perfect this freeware.

VLC is one of the best media players and has some best features which includes its lightweight, portability and is capable of playing almost any video format.
VLC can even be used as a streaming media server, can play DVD’s, can be used as an audio decoder, and doesn’t require external, extra codec’s to run.

Media Player Classic:

Media Player Classic is an all in one, very light Media player with the capabilities of playing lots of formats without the need of any special codec.

Media Jukebox:

It has so many features including music collection organizer, iPod connector and music store with extreme tagging techniques. It can even be used to synchronize your phone, while finding tags for your newest imported songs, and simultaneously downloading the newest plug-in to customize your user experience.

Song bird:

This open source customizable media player allows users to create add-ons/plug-ins for added user experience.Built-in options include; playback history plug-in, support for iPod, metadata management, etc.It is also available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.


Winamp is a leading media player which has cool features including: lots of customizable skins, built-in internet radio, support for a wide variety of audio and video formats, flash support, customizable plug-ins, support for multiple languages, ability to sync with your iPod, etc.

Adobe Media Player:

This player runs based on AIR runtime and has a variety of features. This plays a clear image of video which you want to view.

KM Player:

It is a Lightweight media player supporting numerous different formats, languages, skins, etc. It can also be used for numerous different media related material.
Some of its unique features are: Compressed album support, multiple file formats, numerous decoders, support for subtitles, plug-ins, etc.

DivX Plus Software:

It is a multipurpose Media Player and has cool features which are : Download videos at a very high rate, Transfer videos at a very quick speed, Burns DVDs for TV, Supports TV and Movies.
This media player is only for Windows 98/ 2000/ XP/ Vista.
It enables you to: Watch Quick Time, Real Media, DivX and Windows Media files within a single Media Player, Use less memory while it is loading quickly, Play and manage different types of media player with in the play list, Save desktop space in share mode, Auto- plays high quality of CD and VCD.


It is another lightweight media player with automatic codec detection and management. It plays movies, DVDs, music, TV streams, web radio streams, Flash movies, podcasts and much more!