Saturday, 15 December 2012

Adding Hibernate to Windows 8

Adding Hibernate to Windows 8

windows 8 is more like a tablet Operating system running on PC ,what ever i like it.Whole new changes ,well that is The problem on the otherhand ,most of the Options are hidden from view and  different from windows 7 and Xp.In my case i use the hibernate option more often but it is not there by default,it doesnt mean it is gone for ever just hidden and it can be brought back in sipmle steps .we need to add that option by ourself. To do this follow this steps

Step 1:Go to start screen and type power options  and open it

 while searching for poweroption (you can see the option change what power button does click it so you can skip the 2nd step

Step 2:In power options click the Choose what power button does

Choose what power button does option is on the left side of screen

 Step 3: From there you can see the Hibernate option is turned change this click on change settings that are currently unavailable

login as administrator  to change the settings

Step 4: After that you can check the options you want and  click save changes

Tick the box hibernate to enable hibernation

Hibernate Option in powerbutton

Shutdown Windows 8 in single click

Shutdown windows 8 in single click

Microsoft made windows 8 more like a tablet OS,most of the options are hard to find when compare to the earlier of them is shutting down the pc,it was  very easy with start menu and couple of clicks.Now they removed start menu and introduced start screen.I wonder why the didnt incude a shortcut  to shutdown in the start screen ,it would be more convenient .The correct way is to shutdown is using the charms menu(win+i) >power>shutdown
but its not that fast like in the old days and confusing to new users.the old school ALT+F4 still functional but i prefer this simple way and can shutdown pc with single click from star screen    

      Step 1:Right click on desktop >new>shortcut

       Step 2: type  shutdown /s /t 0 
       (more clearly shutdown(space)/s(space)/t(space)zero)

     Step 4: Click Next continue .Rename the shutdown.exe if you want  click finish

You can see the shortcut on desktop .If you want to change icon right click on it  >properties>change icon andbrowse the .Ico file

The highlighted one is the default icon of shutdown shortcut
 Now to add it to the start screen right click on shortcut >Pin to start

shutdown Shortcut pinned to start

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Windows 8 The Easy Ways

Windows 8 Easy ways

Finally i got my windows 8 up and running in my Toshiba laptop after some bad days and blue screens.The first thing i noticed is THERE IS NO F8 to access safe mode .At first i thought it was my bad timing on key press,but then i realized , Microsoft removed that feature to speed up the boot .What ever it really paid off .My windows 7 was staring time was  2 minutes,when it came to windows 8 it is amazingly 22 seconds  .


ill skip to the content, Windows 8 is fast and awesome both in performance and look,but it take some time to sync to the new os .let's start with Safemode
 Traditionally we access safemode by pressing F8 key before pc its changed .i read it will work with shift+F8  but not happened in my toshiba satellite pc, another Microsoft preferred way is using the Advanced startup option .I tried it but my keyboard stop working when it says to press corresponding number.Another way to use command prompt but it was complicated 
finaly  i figured a simple and effective way (that's what i think) 

let me show you:

step1 :Go to RUN(win+R) this will bring up the RUN window

step2 :type msconfig  and click ok then you can see the system configuration window.

step3:From system configuration click on BOOT tab,check the safe boot option with additional feature You want (minimal,networking etc).

step5:Click Restart your pc

after that don't forget to disable the safeboot option by simply unchecking it to prevent pc restaring in safemode again.


The next part was the instant messaging service app.It is a good and much needed app ,but the problem was it change my status to ONLINE in all my linked accounts as soon as i connect to internet . Actually Microsoft meant that to stay in touch with friends.but everyone is not like that .for me i am getting messages if i am not in the mood to chat .So i turned it off .if this is your problem 
let me show you:

step 1:Open the "Messaging App" from start screen

step 2:Press "win+i" to access settings

step 3:Tap  "Options" to see options for messaging appstep 4:Set send/receive message to OFF

Change this to ON when you are ready to chat again


Another funny thing was HOW TO CLOSE OPENED APPS!!! ya that's true .I saw people using even Task manager to  close the opened apps.The correct way is
MOVE the mouse pointer all the way to TOP till it turns to the  HAND symbol,CLICK and HOLD it and MOVE it to the very BOTTOM of the screen .that's how to close an opened app


By default there is no MY COMPUTER  shortcut in  the desktop so we have to add it manually

let me show you:

step 1: RIGHT CLICK on desktop and select personalization

step 2:Select  Change Desktop icons 

step 3:Chose the shortcuts You want by checking it 

step 4:Click ok

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Windows 8 Changing the Drive letters

Changing Drive Letters In Windows 8

After i installed windows 8 , i noticed my DVD drive letter changed to "D" from "G" .I think it Happened  because,i installed windows 8 with USB DVD tool .What ever ,it caused some of my preinstalled programs to malfunction .If it happened to you too let me show how to restore your Drive letters to order.

It hasn't changed from older versions of windows ,its as the same as in windows 7

Step1:Close all running applications,Rightclick on my computer icon from desktop and select Manage( You need to login as administrator)

Step2:Now you can see the computer management window,double click on Storage to open it and double click on Disk management.

Step3:From Disk management window you can see the hard drives and removable storages that attached to your computer

Step4: Right click on the Hard drive you want to change the letter and select Change drive letter and paths

Step5: You can see a small window showing the current Drive letter of the Hard drive click Change .Assign the letter you want and apply the settings